Following the success of “Yo soy la locura”, the long-awaited sequel has finally arrived. Raquel Andueza and her ensemble La Galanía are performing for the first time in Bilbao, playing 17th Century dances and love songs, Spanish music and scores found in European collections that contain songs with Spanish lyrics, some of which are being performed for the first time ever in the world.

The concert also features three musical reconstructions of some of the most important dances of the age: a zarabanda (prohibited during the Baroque period on account of its explicit words and licentious movements), some seguidillas, and a jácara with words by Francisco Quevedo.

Music based around the madness of love, its light and shade, its picaresque side, its pain. Music and words brought together around the voice of Raquel Andueza, an eminent soprano on the vocal scene today, performing with her ensemble La Galanía, specialists in bringing 17th Century music to a 21st Century audience. The absolute essence of Baroque.




The team

Raquel Andueza & La Galanía:
Alessandro Tampieri: violin
David Mayoral: percussion
Manuel Vilas: cross-strung harp
Pierre Pitzl: baroque guitar
Jesús Fernández: theorbo



from €9,50 to €32 / Discounts


1 hour 15 minutes