Friends of the Arriaga Sponsors
The Arriaga Theatre is, without any doubt, one of the most important cultural centres in the city of Bilbao. Since its inauguration in May of 1890, some of the most prestigious orchestras and top-level soloists, as well as the most innovative and important theatre and dance productions of each season, have left their mark on the city’s theatre stage.
Arriaga Theatre offers the possibility to sponsor its whole annual schedule or some of its performances on an individual basis, offering to the organization the possibility to gain a considerable public recognition.
The Arriaga Theatre sponsorship program aims at gathering the main companies in the different economic sectors that wish to contribute to the culture of our country, so that performances at Arriaga are of the best quality. These companies, therefore, link their corporate image with Arriaga’s, enjoying at the same time a broad range of benefits.
The sponsorship program offers four possible levels of cooperation:
- Friend Company
- Contributor Company
- Sponsor Company
- Special Sponsor
For further information on hiring conditions, please contact the External Relations and Protocol, Jose Bonilla., telephone number 687 556 764
E-mail: protocolo.jotamas@teatroarriaga.eus