Cuartitos on stage

+ Jon Koldo Vázquez

Trying to visualise the infection, breaking taboos, sticking up for them.

01 december 2015

(in Foyer)

“The HIV and subsequently AIDS continues to be a stigma for those that have it. Although it is considered to be a chronic illness, very few people go public with their condition. The fact is that being positive has never been so negative.

Through personal experience and stories from people who live with the infection I will explore the everyday life of someone who is HIV-positive. Trying to visualise the infection, breaking taboos, sticking up for them.

On 1 December, I am coming out as HIV-positive and I celebrate it with you. I am HIV-positive and being positive is great. LONG LIVE THE PLUS!”
Jon Koldo Vázquez


The team

Text and performance: Jon Koldo Vázquez
Piano: Adrián García de los Ojos
Wardrobe: Jaime Zurdo
Direction and production: MAuMA
Gratitude: Bizkaiko Antzerki Ikastegia




€14 / Discounts