Teatro de la Ciudad is the joint theatre project of Miguel del Arco, Andrés Lima and Alfredo Sanzol, an initiative that revolves around the investigation, reflection, production, and exhibition of performance.
The work developed by the participating teams culminates with the performance of three new productions, jointly produced with Madrid´s La Abadía Theatre: Antígona, Medea and Edipo Rey.
“Let my destiny go where it will”
The need to know the truth, the impossibility of having absolute control over one’s destiny and the search for one’s own origin make up the story of a man who is investigating a crime. He discovers he was his own father’s murderer and his mother’s lover, questioning the limits and possibilities of human understanding.
«Oedipus will discover that his greatness was rooted in wretchedness. That his story is one of a man who was everything, but in reality was less than nothing. The story of a man who, in his endeavour to save the city, sunk himself. The story of a man who, upon discovering the truth, decided never again to see the light ».
Alfredo Sanzol
Video Edipo rey. Teatro de la ciudad
The team
Edipo: Juan Antonio Lumbreras
Sacerdote, Coro, Corifeo, Ismene, Siervo: Natalia Hernández
Creonte: Paco Déniz
Coro, Yocasta: Eva Trancón
Tiresias, Mensajero, Antígona, Heraldo: Elena González
Dirección y versión: Alfredo Sanzol
Música: Fernando Velázquez
Escenografía: Alejandro Andújar, Beatriz San Juan y Eduardo Moreno
Vestuario: Alejandro Andújar
Iluminación: Pedro Yagüe
Sonido: Sandra Vicente y Enrique Mingo
Producción: Nadia Corral
from €8,50 to €25 / Discounts
1 hour 10 minutes