
Mrs. Dalloway

Clarissa has made decisions in her life without taking into account what she truly wanted

From 30 january to 02 february 2020

The role of women, sexual and economic repression, feminism, commercialism, bisexuality, medicine, the existential vacuum, suicide… these are some of the issues that come to the fore in this novel by Virginia Woolf, represented in this production by a magnificent cast headed up by Blanca Portillo.

Virginia Woolf depicts 24 hours in the life of Clarissa Dalloway, from when she gets up in the morning and begins to prepare a party for her husband, until the time of the party itself in the evening. She appears to be a shallow woman, living a superficial life, and she has made decisions in her life without taking into account what she truly wanted.

The team

Author: Virginia Woolf

 Adapted for the stage by: Michel de Cock, Anna Maria Ricart, Carme Portaceli

Director: Carme Portaceli

Cast: Blanca Portillo, Nelson Dante, Raquel Varela, Inma Cuevas, Zaira Montes, Gabriela Flores, Jordi Collet, Jimmy Castro

 Stage design: Anna Alcubierre

Lighting desing: David Picazo

Wardrobe desing: Antonio Belart

Original music and and sound space: Jordi Collet

Choreography movement: Ferrán Carvajal

Video design: Miquel Ángel Raió

Sound design: Pablo de Huerga

Assistant director: Eva Redondo

Assistant stage designer: Marta Guedan

Assistant wardrobe: Cristina Crespillo

Student in UCM management practices: Laura Fernández

Coproduction: Teatro Español and KVS Bruselas

Touring production: Avance Producciones Teatrales, Entrecajas Producciones Teatrales


 30 & 31 January & 1 February: 7:30 pm.

2 February: 7:00 pm.


From €9,50 to €25 /discounts

Friends of the Arriaga: 25% discount.

Groups, young people, over 65s, job seekers, large families, and people with a disability of more than 33%: 20% discount.

Theatre professionals: 20% discount.

Last minute discount (for the above groups, except Friends of the Arriaga): 50% discount.

Last minute discount for Young Friends of the Arriaga: 70% discount.

Wheelchair users: 50% discount (seated in the proscenium box with a companion)



90 minutes