Theatre -Open stage space


The History of Radical Basque Rock by Olatz Gorrotxategi

A play about failure. A duel. The existential silence of the Western.

13 december 2023

A play about failure. Caravans of colonials seeking a better place to make a fresh start. A generation looking for their own place in the world. Punk has arrived. A duel. The existential silence of the Western.

A renegade who no longer wishes to be himself. Ni naiz naizena. The Basque Diaspora in Idaho and Nebraska. A spitting cowboy. Three people are telling us a story that began in the 80s and ends today, here, right in front of you. Sioux Indians defending Basque folklore. A ‘wanted’ poster. Clearing a saloon. Another type of occupation. Clint Eastwood rejecting military service. It’s 1880. Gunpowder and dynamite. Nuklearrik ez, ez hemen ez inon ez. Gold fever and the closure of the shipyards. It’s 1980. 8,000 Indians and cowboys marching on Herrera de la Mancha. Eight thousand renegades crossing the desert and a sheriff watching them from a hill. A story of discouraging thought and collective struggles. The horse. A group of horses galloping away. The end of a generation. A lot of policemen and little fun. The loss. The reserves of the United States of America. The strongholds of punk. Both reduced to forming a resistance. The horizon. The people who will follow on after me. A vast meadow yet to be colonised, behind me. Today. Is. The. Future. Like they sang at La Polla Records.

The team

Dramatist and Director: Olatz Gorrotxategi.
Assistant director: Marta Álvarez del Valle.
Cast: Aritza Rodriguez, Olatz Gorrotxategi, Marta Álvarez del Valle.
Music: Joseba B. Lenoir.
Stage movement: Maitane Zalduegi.
Foley artist: Alberto de la Hoz.
Lighting design: Paco Trujillo.
Costumes: Lorena Montenegro.
Audiovisuals: Indi Costa.


Day 13 – 19:30 h.


18€ /discounts

Friends of Arriaga:

Groups, young people, over-65s, unemployed, large families and people with 33%+ disability:

Theatre professionals:

Last minute discount (for above-mentioned groups, except Friends of Arriaga and groups):

Last minute discount for Young Friends of Arriaga:

People with disabilities who use wheelchairs:
50% DISCOUNT (in proscenium balcony and one accompanying person)


1 h. 30 min.