Theatre - Stage space


by Galder Irusta

Abdullah Öcalan is the only prisoner in a maximum security island-prison south of Istanbul. Based on real events.

15 march 2023

1999. A rifle, a book and a plant. Abdullah Öcalan is the only prisoner in a maximum security island-prison south of Istanbul. He is condemned to death for being the leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, at war with the Turkish state. In an eternally lit cell and in total isolation, Öcalan’s three souls try to live with his decision and with themselves, while deciding on his future and that of Kurdistan. Based on real events.

La celda sin noche, by Galder Irusta, was the play selected in 2019 by ANTZ3RKIZ’s New Playwrights programme, “for its literary quality and dramatic structure, for dealing with a lesser-known subject and also for providing an overtone in defence of human rights”. ANTZ3RKIZ brings together the Victoria Eugenia Theatre of San Sebastian-Donostia, the Teatro Principal of Vitoria and the Arriaga Theatre, in its project to promote the staging of Basque drama, to support the world of creation and to facilitate the production of shows of a certain significance in appropriate contracting conditions. On this occasion, La celda sin noche has materialised in a co-production between the three Basque theatres and the Costa Rican Ministry of Culture, to be premiered on 28 July 2022.

The team

Playwright: Galder Irusta.
Director: Mireia Gabilondo.
Actors: Andrés Montero, Noelia Campos y Roberto Bautista.
Scenography and costumes: Fernando Bernués.
Lighting and audio-visual design: David Bernués.
Sound designer: Daniel Alarcón.
Production manager: Ana Belén Santiago.
Executive producer y technical coordination: Rafael Ávalos.
Technical production: Arlette Arroyo.
Dramaturgical adaptation: Alejandra Marín.
Assistant director: Natalia Regidor.

A production of the Artistic and Cultural Production Centre, Costa Rican Ministry of Culture and Youth, Victoria Eugenia Theatre of San Sebastian-Donostia, Arriaga Theatre Bilbao and Teatro Principal of Vitoria-Gasteiz based on the selected text in the 2019 edition of the ANTZERKIGINTZA BERRIAK programme. A project created and promoted by REDELAE.


Day 15 - 19:30h.


18€ /discounts

Friends of Arriaga:

Theatre professionals:

Groups, young people, over-65s, unemployed, large families and people with 33%+ disability:

People with disabilities who use wheelchairs:
50% DISCOUNT (in proscenium balcony and one accompanying person)


80 min.